Hey y'all, happy Friday! It's currently raining here in Boone so I've been having a super relaxing day (mostly in bed). Today I thought I would talk about this big misconception about gaining a bunch of weight during your freshman year of college. I know it is definitely possible for this to happen, but I believe there is a very negative connotation with this term and I don't necessarily believe it is true.
Throughout the past 2 weeks I've really noticed a change in my eating habits and overall weight, but instead I've lost it instead of gained because the campus food isn't great. I definitely haven't been eating as much as I should and drinking way too much caffeine. I think it's important to note that losing weight isn't always a good thing and that each person has their own body and body type. So thats really where the misconception stems from, change can really take a toll on your body but it isn't necessarily just gaining 15 pounds it could be gaining a little more or losing some too. Sometimes it can be healthy or maybe sometimes not, but either way it is normal! It is very temporary and doesn't define you. Just know that wherever you stand fluctuation in new places is normal, but it is still important to take care of your health (and most importantly your mental health)!
I have been trying to get things back to normal and take care of myself better but sometimes it can be hard! I will workout as much as I can and try to eat more food while remaining decently healthy, but stress can really affect the things you do and your motivation. One of my best tips is doing a workout program! I have recently started the Chloe ting 2 week challenge and this has really been great for me because it slowly increases in difficulty and the workouts become longer as time goes on to prepare your body. My goal through this isn't to lose weight, but to become stronger and feel good from within. It's also super helpful to do with a friend because they can motivate you. I've also been looking for the healthier options in the cafeteria such as salads and wraps. Sure, all of this is great, but it is more important to listen to your body. If you are really tired and need a break, don't over exert yourself and work out more than your body can handle. If you have had a tough day and just really want that chick fil a go eat it ! Everything is good in moderation and if you can hold yourself accountable you will eventually find a happy medium.
This post is a bit shorter because I do have more work to do, but I really had this on my mind the past few days. I think it's important to spread self love and if you are feeling down about your body know that the way you treat your body is way more important the the looks because the beauty from within always shines stronger. :)
-xx Hailey